和平共处五顶原则 the five principles of peaceful coexistence
和平共处五项原则 the five principles of peaceful coexistence (互相尊重主权和领土完整 mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty; 互不侵犯 mutual non-aggression; 互不干涉内政 non-interference in each other's internal affairs; 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit; 和平共处 peaceful coexistence)
共处 coexist 和平共处五顶原则 the five principles of peaceful coexistence; 共处必需是任何国家都决不干涉别国的内部事务。 coexistence necessitates the total noninterference by any power in the internal affairs of another
实现和平共同对策委员会 korea committee against nmd tmd and for peace
共存 coexist; survive together 新与旧不协调的共存 inconsistent coexistence of old and new